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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Poem: don't nourish negative thoughts

This was written
for Twitter's #VSS365
Prompt: Negative

don't nourish
#negative thoughts
for they cause us
to perish
and take our
own lives.

don't feed
a monster like
for that monster
will cause our

just know that
the Holy Spirit
values us
and wants us
to stay alive.

and frankly, our
deaths are all
in God's time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Haiku 13: Loser

5-7-5 haiku
written today,
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

"don't you ever be
the loser that wants to see
you in trouble-deep."

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Poem: myself

Written for Twitter's
#VSSPoem Prompt:

do i love #myself?
sometimes i wonder
i keep ignoring help
i keep losing to hell

how do i stop 
myself from getting
into danger?
can someone pray tell?

do i care about myself?
i wonder...
cause i keep tumbling
down the self-loathing

and do i look to
start loving me, myself?
nope, not at all!