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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Poem: spring 2020

Writer's Digest Poetry Prompt:
Write a poem about Spring 2020

Shared onto Poets and Storytellers' United's
Writer's Pantry #20: A Name By Any Other Name Can Be...Confusing

on Sunday, May 17, 2020 (Mother's Day)

Spring is here 
But people are indoors 
Corona is to be feared 
Social distancing is required

Spring has arrived 
And all should stay inside 
Corona is the enemy 
Around the world, 
people are dying 

Spring here at home 
I'm in my room reading 
Books are my everything 
Be safe everyone

Monday, March 30, 2020

Poem: m&m's

Writer's Digest Poetry Prompt:
Write a poem about a candy

Shared onto Poets and Storytellers United's
Writer's Pantry #19: Birthing Hope
on Sunday, May 10, 2020 (Mother's Day)

here's an m&m 
a chocolatey gem 
for u from me 

melts on your tongue 
sweet til it's gone 
that 1 m&m 
from me to u 

i often dream of m&m's 
and how they take us 
to the heavens 
comes in differing hues 
from yellow, red, green 
to orange and blue 

m&m's satisfy 
and that's so true!