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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Poem: spring 2020

Writer's Digest Poetry Prompt:
Write a poem about Spring 2020

Shared onto Poets and Storytellers' United's
Writer's Pantry #20: A Name By Any Other Name Can Be...Confusing

on Sunday, May 17, 2020 (Mother's Day)

Spring is here 
But people are indoors 
Corona is to be feared 
Social distancing is required

Spring has arrived 
And all should stay inside 
Corona is the enemy 
Around the world, 
people are dying 

Spring here at home 
I'm in my room reading 
Books are my everything 
Be safe everyone


  1. It is strange, isn't it, that in this time of renewal (spring), there is so much death and desolation to be seen. I too find comfort and consolation in books.

  2. So seldom are we all living the same story. But this is everyone's story now, isn't it.

  3. Kind of fascinating during this time of quarantine ... I am able to concentrate on wonderful poetry such as yours ... but not able to dive in and stay with a book. Old movies, music my salvation too.

  4. For us, it's as if the world has stopped, yet Spring keeps its promises, the trees are flowering, and the daffodils are in bloom!

  5. I do hope that all over the world we can become better prepared in coping with a crisis like this. Sadly is is not a time for thinking about profit but survival!

  6. Well, here we are in autumn — and I too am in my room reading! It must be ironic to stay quarantined indoors as Spring arrives. For Australia, it’s scary to think that our social restrictions are about to be lifted somewhat — just as Winter, with its coughs and colds is coming up, to weaken our immune systems.

  7. Just a lot of that now. Mrs. Jim reads a lot, I have catch up things to do. A biggie is to remove some junk from my 'office' so that I will have space for a nice hand-me-down, from our daughter, Etagere with Glass Shelves and Doors Bookshelf to put my toy cars in. I will had two more shelves, it has five now.

  8. I live in a very small town where people tend to keep to themselves anyway. My son and I went to Costco yesterday. Everyone was wearing their masks. Better safe than sorry, I think.
    I've been doing a lot of reading and writing too.

  9. In Texas the state is for the most part open for business. I stay home and read and write...The rare occasions I am out I wear a mask.

  10. Books (and doing a bit of gardening in my terrace) are definitely keeping me sane. I completely understand the thought of books being our everything. I think I would've started screaming already if I couldn't travel into a book for an hour (or 13).

  11. It's a strange kind of spring this year, isn't it?
    anyway, stay safe!
