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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Haiku 11: Regrets

5-7-5 haiku first
published on
on Thursday, June 25, 2020

"we almost made it
but you had to look away
now you have regrets."

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Special Post: Recipe for New Zealand Easy Chicken Broccoli Casserole Great For Your Sunday Brunch or Weekday Lunch

1 scoop of NZ Easy Chicken Broccoli Casserole with a side of brown rice; 1 Soy Sauced Chicken Thigh almost made the photo...  (Photo credit: Jamztoma)

(Recipe found on

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cooking Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Ingredients (mine were from the no-longer-in-business Shoppers Food Grocery Store)

1 package of fresh boneless chicken thighs (4.25 lbs)

1 bag of frozen broccoli cuts (16 oz)

1 can of Campbell's 25% less sodium Cream of Mushroom soup (10.75 oz)

1 can of Campbell's family size can of Cream of Mushroom soup (23 oz)

1 bag of Essential Everyday shredded, mild cheddar cheese (8 oz)

Cut the boneless chicken into small cubes and boil them in water until they are ready. (You can test their readiness by forking through one cube with a fork. If it's tender then you know it's done! Drain the water.

Boil the frozen broccoli cuts in water in a separate pot. Again, you can determine their readiness by forking through one cut with a fork. If it's tender then you know it's ready. And you can also use "florets" instead of cuts if your store is out of them. The reason why I'm using cuts for mine is because my grocery store was out of broccoli florets. Drain the water.

 cooked cubes of boneless
chicken thighs


Cooked broccoli cuts

Next, when both of these are done, get a baking pan and pour these two ingredients into it.
Next, preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Next, add the shredded cheese (does not need to be mild, I chose mild for mine because I don't prefer the sourness of sharp cheese) and the cream of mushroom soups to the broccoli and chicken mix in the pan.  Mix all of these well.

And then pop it all into the oven and bake for 25 minutes!
 Here's the end result later:

ENJOY!!!  P.S. Add salt sparingly for taste.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Poem: constellate

Written for Twitter's
#VSS365 Prompt:

i see the stars
in the skies
very late
while i'm awake
with a
longing for
someone to
take my tears
and then the 
stars whisper
to me
telling me
to take it easy
just lie down
and dream
sweet dreams
no worries
all will
be complete
so i closed
my eyes
and slept in peace.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Poem: carrel

Written for Twitter's 
#VSS365 Prompt:

i had a favorite
#carrel at Pierce
where i would 
go and unwind 
during a hot 
summer's day.

i read English
classics in
this carrel 
while eating
snacks like
chocolate chips
or little
pizza combo's.

i enjoyed 
my secret corner
in this carrel
it was my 
quiet and 
little world.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Poem: sapid

Written for Twitter's 
#VSS365 Prompt:

i just love 
how chicken thighs
are #sapid 
when baked

are much 
better than when 
and easier to make

i love the tender
meat, the soft
skin ooh so oily
and sublime

i love having
it with a side
of taro, potato,
or white rice

baked chicken
my appetite
all the time!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Poem: intrusive thoughts

Written for Twitter's
#VSS365 Prompt:

all i need is a #panacea
for my miseries
and dilemmas

something to erase
all this pain and
self-induced drama

all i need is an elixir
of spices and herbs

a drink to take away
this self-destructive 

all i need is an 
to destroy my
intrusive thoughts...

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Poem: the dancing viator

Written for Writer's Digest'
Poetry Prompt:
Write a Viator Poem

How to write a Viator poem:

1. start with a refrain for the opening line
2. use that refrain again in the second line 
of the second stanza
3. repeat this for the third and ongoing stanzas: use the refrain (line 1)
for line 3 of the third stanza; line 4 of the next stanza and so forth
4. the ending line of the whole poem should be the refrain.
Good luck and have fun!  God bless!

carry on dancing
i believe in you
you've worked hard for this
don't fail the music

you are a star
carry on dancing
look forward not down
it's a showdown!

today is the day
never doubt yourself
carry on dancing
show and tell

work them limbs
prove yourself
let go and let God
carry on dancing

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Poem: effervescent

Written for Twitter's 
#VSS365 Poetry Prompt:

i will keep my 
#effervescent ways 
for the sake of 
my family.

i will not 
let them see
me break down
and become 

i will smile on
and act confident
so they will
not doubt and 
lose hope.

i will be lively
and happy
and go on
with the 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Poem: calm down

Written for Writer's Digest
Poetry Prompt: 
Write a Calm Poem

Calm down
Close your eyes
Tune out all sounds
Rest your mind...

Rest your mind
Get comfortable
Don't fret, don't cry
Feel wonderful...

Feel wonderful
Keep believing
Stay out of trouble
Be amazing...

Friday, June 5, 2020

Haiku 10: I'm Flying Away

5-7-5 haiku first
published on
Friday, June 5, 2020

"i'm flying away
unto a place of my own
one i can call home."

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Haiku #9: Summertime

5-7-5 haiku first
published on
Thursday, June 4, 2020

"summertime is near
should we pray or should we cheer?
Lord please have mercy."

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Haiku #8: Life Goes On

5-7-5 haiku first
published on
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

"some days are just mean
and some days go smooth and sweet
life goes on and on."

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Haiku #7: Not Rich

5-7-5 haiku first
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

"i'm thankful to you
for choosing me despite me
i'm not rich at all."

Monday, June 1, 2020

Haiku #6: Let It Drop

5-7-5 haiku first
published on
on Monday, June 1, 2020

"let it drop for now
the sun will shine tomorrow
nothing ever lasts."