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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Poem: the dancing viator

Written for Writer's Digest'
Poetry Prompt:
Write a Viator Poem

How to write a Viator poem:

1. start with a refrain for the opening line
2. use that refrain again in the second line 
of the second stanza
3. repeat this for the third and ongoing stanzas: use the refrain (line 1)
for line 3 of the third stanza; line 4 of the next stanza and so forth
4. the ending line of the whole poem should be the refrain.
Good luck and have fun!  God bless!

carry on dancing
i believe in you
you've worked hard for this
don't fail the music

you are a star
carry on dancing
look forward not down
it's a showdown!

today is the day
never doubt yourself
carry on dancing
show and tell

work them limbs
prove yourself
let go and let God
carry on dancing

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