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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Haiku #5: Hopeful

5-7-5 haiku first
published on:
on Sunday, May 31, 2020

"hopeful to see peace
in our nation very soon
guide us oh Jesus!"

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Haiku #4: Imagination

5-7-5 haiku first
published on 
on Saturday, May 30, 2020

what would i do without it?
i'd rather be dead."

Friday, May 29, 2020

Haiku #3: Break Free

5-7-5 haiku for today...
not published anywhere else!

"i want to break free
from these chains on my body
help me true buddy."

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Haiku #2: Contemplation

5-7-5 haiku first
published on 
on Thursday, May 28, 2020.

"contemplating death
i sit and stare into space
my heart tik-toks on."

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Haiku #1: The Birds

5-7-5 haiku first 
published on 
on Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"i can hear the birds
tweeting songs of elegance
a group of talents."

VSSPoem #11: Emotion

Written for Twitter's
VSSPoem Prompt:

when the pain
and no one
came to help
i lost all #emotion

when my tears
dried up
and my feelings 
became none
i lost all my emotions

when life 
was difficult 
and the pain
didn't melt
there were zero emotions

it was only
when i fell in love
and met the one
that i felt 
emotional again.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Poets and Storytellers United #3: Undoubtedly Rossetti

This was written 
for Poets and Storytellers United's

The prompt is to write a poem that 1) may be inspired by Poet and Balladeer
Christina Georgina Rossetti's works or 2) inspired by the paintings of her 
artist brother, Dante Gabriel Rossetti.  I chose to go with the 1st option.
Image by 3333873 from Pixabay 

A Fairy Has Wings As Well As a Tail

A fairy has wings as well as a tail
She blesses a baby while lying in its cradle
An angel may bring God and prayers
But this fairy can end a witch's curse
I am but only an onlooker lad
The fairy doesn't see me and I am glad
She kisses the baby and flies away
In her heart lies the baby's name
One day when the baby is older
The fairy will return and claim her
I am but only an onlooker lad
The fairy knows that I am not bad
And so I wonder to this day
Where that fairy took that baby to raise...

VSSPoem #10: Remain

Written for Twitter's 
VSSPoem Prompt:

i tried science
i tried religion
but still i can't will
away this illness.

i tried meditation
i tried medicine
but still i can't will
away this condition.

best to be patient
and see if there's 
a balance
for i have tried 
but it still is 

The Adventures of Jamz #35: Queer

Written for Twitter's 

Jamz went all out
for his #queer 
friend Odie
last week.

He supported him
so much he 
went in rainbow
shorts and a 
purple tee.

He saw so many
people who
expressed themselves
so beautifully.

He hasn't seen
so much brilliance
it made him
feel young 
and free.

Poetry Battle Friday (PBF) #3: I'm So Sorry and I Mean It

Written for Twitter's
#PBF Prompt: Gratitude

hey you, thank you
to you i am in gratitude
my calm, my soothe
never was it told
that you held 
a grudge against me
never was it told
that you stopped
loving me.

but i, i did you
i was the fool
all along.
i wrote those
while feeling
hateful and 

i was angry 
and bitter
but now i 
see the bigger
i'm so sorry
and i mean it 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

VSSPoem #9: Become

Written for Twitter's 
VSSPoem Prompt:

i've #become
a different
i don't smile
as i used to.
it seems like
i've become
stone instead
of juice
i now pray
that one day
i'll go faraway 
that this
blog will
take me
to a magical place
please God
lead me
there starting

The Adventures of Jamz #34: Silver

Written for Twitter's 

i'm in love with you
through and through
nobody else will do.

when you get silver
and no longer new
i'll be loyal
and 100% true.

there's just going 
to be you
my honeydew
the one i said
"i do" to.

Jamz sang 
these lyrics
in front of 
his friends 
who got married
last weekend.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

VSSPoem #8: Vain

Written for Twitter's 
#VSSPoem Prompt:

when i was vain
i glowed like a 
fine specimen.
i had a handsome
i was washing 
it always.

but now that
i'm no longer sane
i feel so dirty
and deranged.

my beard's 
unshaven for days
and my body
reeked of 
sweat and waste.

i think vanity
is essential 
to a certain degree.

The Adventures of Jamz #33: Bees

Written for Twitter's 

I love honey,
Jamz declared
to his friends.
So i've invested
in those that
make it.

and that's the 
#bees and flowers

Jamz nodded.
Yes, now go
to sleep for
the night.

as they slept,
Candyman visits
them in their

the next day,
Jamz abandons 
his project.
He was so scared.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

VSSPoem #7: Support

Written for Twitter's
#VSSPoem Prompt:

my books are
poetry collections
that range 
from tropical to

i'm a poet
who is inspired
by Catholicism,
Pop music,
and the South Seas.

but i have a disability
that keeps me
from my 
lifelong dreams

so will you
kindly lend me 
your #support,

The Adventures of Jamz #32: Skint

Written for Twitter's

Jamz and Prince 
Edward met 
when they 
were both young. 

One day, 
they switch places 
to have a little fun. 

Jamz becomes rich 
and Edward becomes 

But oh no, 
they face many 

So Prince Edward 
takes back his crown 
and Jamz returns 
to poverty.

Monday, May 18, 2020

VSSPoem #6: Chalk

Written for Twitter's
#VSSPoem Prompt:

In high school
my Science teacher 
told us #chalk 
is edible.

that you can
bite and chew 

i made a disgusted
face.  that's 

the science instructor
goes on to tell us 
that it contains 

then i thought
wow!  they are 
good for our 
bones and teeth

The Adventures of Jamz #31: Ubuntu

Written for Twitter's

Because Jamz remembers
the #ubuntu Nyana's
family showed him,
he was 100% willing
to help her become
a contestant
for the Miss World

There was pampering,
and training
that took weeks 
and weeks.

Nyana eventually
goes on to win
the pageant 
and this made
her family very
They told Jamz
you are very 
kind and unique.

Jamz just grinned.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

VSSPoem #5: Promise

Written for Twitter's
#VSSPoem Prompt:

He gave me
a blue rectangle
the night he
was leaving 
with his mom,
my sister.

What's this?, I
wondered out loud.
It's something
for you to 
remember me 
by, he answered.

I stood there
with teary eyes
as the car he's in
moves away.

I #promise you
this my nephew.
I will remember 
you everytime I look
at this blue shape.

The Adventures of Jamz #30: Church / Ennui

Written for Twitter's

I combined both prompts of Ennui (May 16) and Church (May 17) into one entry because I have decided to take Saturdays off.  Here's #30 with those two prompts combined.  I hope you enjoy it.  
Thanks and God bless.

When Jamz heard
that he has to attend
virtual #church today
he made sure
that #ennui would
not come
for him.

For to him,
church drives out
And it's why
at times
he feels peaceful

God is amazing!,
Jamz claps and
He lives!  He lives!
God is everlasting!

Friday, May 15, 2020

VSSPoem #4: Melancholy

Written for Twitter's 
#VSSPOEM Prompt:

i have some 
precious gains 
from #melancholy

like the gloomy
days of rain
that deposit
plenty of art
into my brain.

like the lonely
character in fiction
that teaches me
and wisdom.

and my brokenness
that brings me 
closer to Jesus.

The Adventures of Jamz #29: Transfer

Written for Twitter's

the government of Panem
had stimulus money
to #transfer into 
the accounts 
of its citizens

and Katniss Everdeen
with the heart
of a Queen
showed Jamz
how to get his

They were thrilled
that Panem was
For so many of its 
inhabitants are 
infected with the virus
 and are homeless... 

Poetry Battle Friday (PBF) #2: Oh the Injustice!

Written for Twitter's
#PBF Prompt: Injustice

Oh the injustice!
that Corona is!
taking from us
our loved ones!
as well as 

Our bodies
she so destroys!
So relentless
she makes us 

And the fever that
she makes us suffer!
Top it off
there's no cure!
we have to endure!

All of that
makes us wonder:
Will we make it
or  just

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Poem: the photos from your past

Written for Writer's Digest's
Wednesday Poetry Prompt: 
Write a Moon Poem.

i saw the photos 
from your past
and i was very
you were healthier
you were happier
and you
looked amazing
not stressed.

where have all your 
smiles gone to?
where do you 
keep them hidden
from view?

cause i have 
high regards for you
i hold you 
best next to the moon
if you feel the 
need to chat
reach out to me
and i'll make you
happy just like that!

(snap!  snap!)

VSSPoem #3: Uniform

Written for Twitter's 
#VSSPOEM Prompt:

i wore my #uniform
devoutly for 9 years

i was in 
blue and red
blue and red
it was quite drear

i couldn't 
express my 

i was a 
blank kid
with no variety

when i graduated
i was all
rainbow and laughter!

The Adventures of Jamz #28: Orenda

Written for Twitter's 

when Jamz
was thanking 
his #orenda
through his speech
he could make out
smiling up at him.
He froze
while the 
whole auditorium
Didn't they 
see the Iroquois chief
cheering him on
in the middle?
Jamz then
awoke from his
He had an idea
of what he
aspired to be.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

VSSPoem #2: Dream

Written for Twitter's
#VSSPOEM Prompt:

i am not a #dream
i don't have steam
i am a lean,
awkward inbetween

i have a dream
i want a life,
a future,
be secured, 
with tons of money.

i have a dream
and that is to have the dream
of my teens
come back and 
run away with me!


Poets and Storytellers United #2: Lie To Me

"Lie To Me" 

i thought you would
need me for life
i thought you would
give me another try
you left me 
without a word
without saying goodbye

you said you loved me
and that i was
your one and only
instead you lied
you went out
and left me to cry

you said all the things
i wanted to hear
my blueness you cheered
but the morning after,
you got up,
washed and disappeared.

will i forgive u?
maybe, but not soon.

The Adventures of Jamz #27: Village

Written for Twitter's

Te Fiti looked
after and 
safeguarded Jamz 
since he was
a tiny baby.

she instructed
the people of
her #village
to fetch water,
leaves, and
fish for his 

and when
he was a 
young kid,
Te Fiti
taught him
her poetry and

to this day,
Jamz loves 
and misses her 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Adventures of Jamz #26: Quisling

Written for Twitter's 

there was silence
when #quisling 
Luke Castellan
revealed himself.

i serve Kronos 
and his kingdom
you will all burn 
in chaos and 

but Percy Jackson
was fast.
He moved behind 
Luke and handcuffed
his hands.

Too bad jerk!
We already
have Kronos
in the gas chamber

Jamz and the rest 
of the hostages
all cheered!

VSSPoem #1: Splinter

Written for Twitter's 
#VSSPOEM Prompt:

i cried
as Mama
the #splinter
from my 
right sole.

it hurt 
and i 
was terrified
the splinter
cut through
to my soul.

the next day on
i no longer
walked barefoot
in the basement.

too terrible
was the 

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Adventures of Jamz #25: Petrissage

Written for Twitter's 

It's been weeks
since the government
went into lockdown

And Jamz wants so badly
to go out.

Here's what he 
wants to take care

a pedicure,
a haircut,
see a masseur
to give him
a #petrissage

But Jamz 
is so not ready
to encounter
Corona's entourage...

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Adventures of Jamz #24: Mother

Written for Twitter's 

Jamz kissed
the forehead
of his #mother
as she lay
on her bed

He had learned
from her: love,
and diligence.

But today
he will be
dining with
his father,
Darth Vader
and the evil,

Jamz tells himself
over and over:
stay the same
stay the same.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


Title: "Ordinary Miracle"
Artist: Sarah Mclachlan
Composers: Dave Stewart and Glen Ballard
From the Soundtrack of the Film, Charlotte's Web (2006).