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Friday, May 22, 2020

Poets and Storytellers United #3: Undoubtedly Rossetti

This was written 
for Poets and Storytellers United's

The prompt is to write a poem that 1) may be inspired by Poet and Balladeer
Christina Georgina Rossetti's works or 2) inspired by the paintings of her 
artist brother, Dante Gabriel Rossetti.  I chose to go with the 1st option.
Image by 3333873 from Pixabay 

A Fairy Has Wings As Well As a Tail

A fairy has wings as well as a tail
She blesses a baby while lying in its cradle
An angel may bring God and prayers
But this fairy can end a witch's curse
I am but only an onlooker lad
The fairy doesn't see me and I am glad
She kisses the baby and flies away
In her heart lies the baby's name
One day when the baby is older
The fairy will return and claim her
I am but only an onlooker lad
The fairy knows that I am not bad
And so I wonder to this day
Where that fairy took that baby to raise...


  1. Oh, how well you have entered into the particular kind of magical thinking that Christina Rossetti exemplified. You've conjured a lovely tale in your own right! I simply adore it. I especially love 'I am but only an onlooker lad' and the beautifully placed repetition of that line. And I am fascinated to learn that this fairy had a tail as well as wings. You have educated me – because of course I believe you; how could I doubt?

    1. thank you Rosemary. i appreciate your comments very much. good day/night to you.

  2. Fairies are special with me, I enjoyed reading of yours. It's a pretty smart one to avoid the burden of waiting hand and foot on the baby. But best watch out, older kids can get sassy. The rhyme went well with the story also. Oh yes, a curt ending, off topic like Christina uses.

    1. hey Jim, thank you for the comment. i appreciate the positivity. have a great day/night to you.

  3. This has a feeling of being both spritely and devious. A fairy and a changeling baby, never know what you end up with, but it's never what you imagine. I like the perspective on this piece of that of a boy in the crowd watching what is happening without being observed.

    1. interesting interpretations, thank you Lori. enjoy your weekend!

  4. I like that this reads like the beginning of a fairy tale I would love to read, especially from the perspective of the onlooker lad--I wonder what sort of life he will lead while he waits to see...

    1. thanks Magaly for your insight. as the one who came up with this, i think the onlooker lad would be an artist, with that image of the fairy and the baby, he'll be obsessed with its beauty that he'll forever be trying to reenact the scene by painting various angles of it. haha who knows but that's my humble prediction.

  5. This is absolutely phenomenal!❤️ I especially love; "In her heart lies the baby's name/One day when the baby is older/The fairy will return and claim her/I am but only an onlooker lad," brilliant use of repetition which really creates a lasting impact! Thank you so much for writing to the prompt!❤️

    1. thank you Sanaa and i love your insight. enjoy your weekend!
