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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Poem: cheers!

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Praise Poem

cheers to life!
popping open this 
2L bottle of Sprite
yum, it feels good inside!

cheers to growth!
sipping this tasty
2L bottle of diet coke
here's to maturity!

cheers to the stimulus!
thanks for this 
2L bottle of orange crush
love that exciting fizz!

it's a soda day
not alcoholiday
for meh!
safer and tame!

The Adventures of Jamz #14: Alcoholiday

Written for Twitter's 

today is #alcoholiday
for Jamz the Great
to celebrate his 
many accolades

like setting a
giant ablaze,
the humbling
of a mermaid,
the repelling 
of a vampire
and the slaying
of a boogeyman
who came for his head.

Jamz thanks his 
for his wins
lauds his sweet
and supportive Mom
and praises
God for His endless

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Poem: total dream

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Total __ Poem

she was very
quiet and shy
and meek
and kind
and back then
kids made her cry
she was such a turd
a total nerd
but now
she's a CEO
she's got a 
house of gold
a nice bod
and a lot of dough
it's hard to believe
she was such a geek
cause now
look at her
she's a total dream

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Poem: when i look back

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Look Back or Don't Look Back Poem.

when i look back
at our time together
you were so focused
on building an empire

but your plans 
didn't go through
God saw that 
you were not being true

still you will
always be on my mind
my sunshine
my rainbow
my moonbeam in the night

still you will
always be in my dreams
my soul
my heart
my everything

The Adventures of Jamz #12: Resurrection

Written for Twitter's 
#VSS365 Prompt:

Jamz was surprised
at the #resurrection
of Snow White
whom everyone had thought
was dead, not alive

When he kissed
her on the cheek
the whole Earth
shook so violently

An apple skin
fell from her lips
and Jamz could
not believe it!

She asked him:
Will you marry me?
to which Jamz replied:
In your dreams.

and so Snow White
ended up with the Prince

Monday, April 27, 2020

Poem: i don't have a massive following on twitter

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Massive Poem: can be a massive in size poem or can be a poem talking about something massive

i don't have a massive
following on Twitter
but nonetheless
i am not bitter

cause i know about
the evils of Social Media
many accounts are fake
and some may cause

i don't have many
followers on Twitter
but it's okay
i'm not bothered

cause i value 
my privacy
and i function
well with 

The Adventures of Jamz #11: Killing

Written for Twitter's

the #killing of people
and animals
was not Jamz' style
except for monsters 
and super-beings
that were definitely

so this is what
Jamz did
when the boogeyman
came hunting for
his head

Jamz backed
him to a corner
took out his
sword and slayed 
the monster

and now the boogeyman
was no more!


Sunday, April 26, 2020

poem: the change

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Change Poem

i'm sorry
if you say i've changed
i'm a grownup now
and i've burned from the pain

if you think
i'm a jerk!
look who's talking!
these babe
are your very own negative 

i may have changed
but my heart stays the same
no matter how insane
kind i shall remain

The Adventures of Jamz #10: Heavyweight

Written for Twitter's 

Jamz looked at the 
#heavyweight giant and felt
where was David
when he needed a friend?

Suddenly the Giant 
threw a punch!
at this, Jamz jumped
then David appeared,
lit a match
and threw it at 
the giant's beard

David and Jamz
then escaped
leaving Goliath
to burn to death.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Poem: triumph (victory remix)

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Remix of an Older Poem
I chose to remix "victory."

i can remember
sometime last year
i was in sorrow
and deep despair
heaven was far
hell was here
i can remember
all the anger 
in the air
but Jesus came through
in the form of you
took me to church
and my holy spirit
this is our triumph
thank you Jesus!

The Adventures of Jamz #9: Mittens

Written for Twitter's 

Jamz was unpacking from 
his trip to the North Pole
he's seen Santa
and his festive abode

Suddenly he found
Santa's #mittens
ones he's used
to deliver presents!

now how will
Jamz return them?
oh he has an idea!
He'll give them 
to the homeless!

so that way,
he'll be following 
the spirit of
Saint Nicholas!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Poem: nature

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Nature Poem

i walked through 
the winter
only in slippers
i slept through 
the snow
with nothing 
but a cloak on

and now i've awakened
and the Springtime
is a lush garden
showcasing the 
beauty of nature

the trees and the flowers
the beasts and the waters
and i was so enraptured
with all its splendor

The Adventures of Jamz #8: Damage

Written for Twitter's

all over the world
there's great #damage
and destruction
Loki has unfurled
his love for carnage
on every nation

so Jamz summons Thor
to use his hammer
to set Loki on fire!

but the jokester was cunning
he saw them coming
so he repairs the damage
and walks away harmless

too bad Thor
a god of thunderstorms
blinds him with 
leaving Loki
with nothing!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Poem: social studies (3 Haiku Set)

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a "Social __ Poem"

states and capitals
history and government
world geography

religions and myths
indigenous citizens

maps, charts and blue globes
that showcase the world's nations
love social studies

The Adventures of Jamz #7: Oddity

Written for Twitter's

the mermaid was an
#oddity to Jamz
she wasn't beautiful
she wasn't photogenic
she was horrible
what she did 
was tragic
she lured men to 
their deaths

so Jamz 
tricked her
by luring her 
to a cavern
and chaining her
and cutting her hair
her reign of terror 
was over...

for now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Poem: my quirks

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Quirk Poem

i have learned to 
accept my quirks
even if they may seem
to others!

the quirks 
can be embarrasing
but whatever!
i can't do a thing
about them
when they occur!

are unpredictable
they start
sometimes when 
i am feeling

go on quirks
just give them
a show!

The Adventures of Jamz #6: Radio

Written for Twitter's 
#VSS365 Prompt:

the alien used the #radio
to entice the world's people
to her massive concert
in New York.

And it was just Jamz
with his friends Diego Diaz
and Susan Lamb
who knew that 
she was a space monster

they warned the people
to stay at home
while they sent
this monster
back to Pluto

And they were

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Poem: you are tough

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Love and/or Anti-Love Poem

you are tough
and you are anti-love
the many ways i tried
for there to be an "us"
you brushed me aside
and cussed me out of your life

you said, "no"
and it was a huge blow
you denied my love
and you didn't give a fuck
you hurt me inside and out
because you had your doubts

yes you are anti-love
but you are wrong
so good luck
i have moved on.

The Adventures of Jamz #5: Ruby

Written for Twitter's 

the witch wanted the #ruby slippers
but Dorothy refused
saying: no, they're her mother's!

the witch cast a spell on Dorothy
but the spell couldn't touch her
Jamz saw all this and beamed:

"the ruby slippers are enchanted
let's use them 
to get back to Kansas!"

"Good idea!"
was Dorothy's answer
for Jamz.

together they cited a spell
and held each others' hands.
they were so happy
they were returning to Kansas..

Monday, April 20, 2020

Poem: isolation

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write an Isolation Poem

i am full of jubilation
when i am in isolation
from society

i cope better
with my disability
i think clearer
and am more creative
no distractions
just peace and quiet

and so i learn
that my depression
can be curved
when i'm in isolation

The Adventures of Jamz #4: Dab

Written for Twitter's 

Just a #dab of holy water
on his exposed neck
and Jamz was safe
from the vampira's peck

He met her
when he went on a trip
Her name was Lavender
and she had ruby lips

Just a dab of holy water
and Jamz escaped her
It was a small amount
but it held so much power!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Poem: lonely dog

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Poem Using the Following 
6 words:
bump, embrace, fixture, howl, lonely, resolve

i heard a #howl last night
i saw him crying outside
he had a #bump on his head
so i went out and 
gave him an #embrace
and kissed his face

he's a #lonely dog
so i allowed him inside
sat him next 
to the icebox #fixture
and made the #resolve
to feed him milk and burgers

The Adventures of Jamz #3: Street

Written for Twitter's 

the #street was all empty
accept for the cars that passed by
Jamz hurried home
in case he'd meet someone

he's heard of the creatures and frights
that lurked that street at night
the street cast shadows everywhere
Jamz hurried to get out of there

the night was heavy and damp
no one around just scared Jamz
suddenly familiar lights appeared
and Jamz forgot his fears

he's nearing home
very much alive
it was his safe neighborhood
and Jamz felt good
and fine.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Poem: queen

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Message Poem

message for Mary:

thank you for your prayers
i see a change in me
i've become better
my mind's at peace

as the days go by
bad things can happen
and i would cry
and long for heaven

but just so you'd know?
i appreciate you so
always of assistance
you are the mother of Jesus

dear sweet Mary
thank you, thank you
thank you heaven's Queen.

The Adventures of Jamz #2: Blue

Written for Twitter's 

Jamz rode 

with the #blue men
in their car 
towards the lion's den 

it's the weekend 
he thanks the blue men 
cause he's never seen one

they told him 
be careful friend 
the lion
can be a problem
be a gentleman. 

Jamz told them 
no worries 
i'll be pleasant

Friday, April 17, 2020

Poem: luminous

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write an Exotic Poem

Betta was exotic alright
tail, fins, and 
the way she shined

i kept her in glass
cause she had game 
and sass

i fed her brine shrimp
and other fish' roe
these gave her
a luminous glow

Betta was a ray of light
body, wings
and the way she shined.

The Adventures of Jamz #1: Arrested

Written for Twitter's

They had Jamz #arrested yesterday

Because of his stubborn ways

He wandered outside

wanting to socialize

but was turned away...

He didn't even wear a mask
as he tended to 
personal tasks
people called him a fool
and he almost lost his cool

Jamz is now staying indoors
and he's on his computer
for hours.
He wishes that this virus
would cease already
Because he wants
to go out and be busy.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Poem: victory

Written for Writer's Digest'
2020 April Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a "The Last __" Poem

i can't remember 
the last time i smiled
before the kingdom 
lost all its goodness 
how i was enslaved 
and taken by the darkness 
how i became wild 
and lost all kindness

but now i see a change

i have regained

a good/clean conscience
i rise again
to defeat my demons 
take back my life
and embrace my Jesus.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Poem: alive

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Dream Poem

i'm basic
not much to look at

but the dream is still alive
i still want to amuse, delight
with my rhythmic verses
my simple sentences

the dream is still alive
i'm using up my time
to gather eclectic sources
with beautiful images.

i'm happy to clarify:
the dream is still alive.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Poem: ode to walt disney

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Form or Non-Form Poem
My Form: Ode

when i think of blue skies
and cartoons that bring sunshine
i praise Walt Disney
King of wondrous dreams

Walt Disney you are 
a gift so rare
no one else
can quite compare!

when i think of the sunrise
and cartoons with lullabies
i thank Walt Disney
King of fairy movies

Walt Disney you are
a gift so rare
no one else
can quite compare!

Poem: someday

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Form/ Non-Form Poem
My Form: Magic 9/ Abacadaba

i will 
be brave
and go out
and play
but for now
write away
be focused still
work hard and pray

Poem: hopeful sky dreamer (3 Haiku Set)

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Form or Non-Form Poem
My Form: Haiku

hopeful sky dreamer
stills mind to calm the inside
prays for the future

confidence in place
the future looks promising
we wait in patience

don't be discouraged
by what you hear about me
i am a good soul.

Monday, April 13, 2020


Title: "Still Rolling Stones (Social Distancing Version)"
Artist: Lauren Daigle and Friends
Album: Look Up Child (2018)
Genre: R&B/ Soul Contemporary Christian Music
Label: Centricity
Released: April 10, 2020

Poem: the purpose poem

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Purpose Poem

my purpose in life
is to gift my family
with bliss and glories.
and make their lives
free of worries

i will give them 
joy and smiles
and banish all their problems
into exile

and finally
i will work and work 
to put an end 
to my curse.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Poem: corona can't

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Spirit Poem

Corona can't stop it
the Jesus Christ spirit
Even though some of us are gone
We carry the torch to live on

No!  Corona won't stop us!
we still have the Holy Ghost
who gives us life and love
the will to carry on

Corona can't stop mankind
God is not that unkind
One of these days 
Corona will be erased
and the spirit 
will still live on.

Poem: spirit

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Spirit Poem

my spirit leapt with joy
when you returned from Illinois
with the good news
that you are cured of the flu

i was so anxious
when they said you have the virus
i sought help from Jesus
to heal your complications

my spirit soars
because Jesus is the greatest doctor
my spirit sings
for the healer of sin and disease.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Poem: controlled

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Control Poem

i am under 
my lover's control 
i can't get my life 
on the path to gold 

i'm locked up 
i'm being shut up 
my lover has me 
in a prison cell. 

i am under 
my lover's spell 
i can't act or speak 
up for my own self

Friday, April 10, 2020

Poem: stay at home

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a "The__Who__ Poem"

he lives 24 hours at home
no one wants him for their own
he reads books
loves to cook
but never leaves his home

the guy who never leaves home
is not a child but is grown
he prefers solitude
it elevates his mood
i love to stay at home

Poem: wonderful/powerful

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a "The __ Who __ Poem"

This was shared to Poets and Storytellers' United's
Writer's Pantry #34: Writing Is Easy
on Sunday, August 23, 2020

the guy who is so loyal
is true to his betrothed
is grateful cause he knows
his lover is so wonderful

the guy who has no ego
who is so kind and gentle 
is always enduring his trials
knows God is so powerful

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Poem: scream

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: write an Ekphrastic poem

This was shared to
Poets and Storytellers United's
Writer's Pantry #32: From Case Studies to Plague Poetry
on Sunday, August 9, 2020.

Edvard Munch's Scream

wide mouth 
deafening death 
hooded fiend 
hairless man 

or child? 

wicked aura 
mental condition 
lonely soul 
lips of abrasion 

greatly wild!