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Monday, April 6, 2020

Poem: father God

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Trap poem

This was shared to:
Poets and Storytellers United's
Writers' Pantry #28: The Rain is Like My Heart
on July 12, 2020.

oh God rescue me 
from the claws of this disease 
that has made sure 
my hopes and dreams
wouldn't come to fruition 
this i believe 

oh God the Father 
i'm growing weaker and smaller 
unable to get any higher 
my heart has ceased to flutter 
help me get my life back together


  1. From your mouth to God's ear. May the tendency to negative belief fall by the wayside, and hope return.

  2. May this prayer be answered. May the heart doing the praying find ways to grow stronger, to grow as big as it is needed, to rescue itself. May new hopes and realized dreams be plentiful.

  3. I hope that new dreams spring up quickly and help carry us over to a world where this disease is history.

  4. I hope your prayer is answered and soon--we all need help now--

  5. Amen. I could pray this for you and for me, fellow Poet. :)

  6. This disease is certainly the current definition of a trap! And very good cause to pray.

  7. The secret is not to jump with joy when restrictions are eased as the majority of others will break every rule in the book thinking all is well again. Be wary and protect yourself and your loved ones as it is not over yet.

  8. thanks everyone for the words of encouragement and prayers for wellness and healing. May God bless us all. peace and goodwill.

  9. May your prayer be answered for you, those you love, and for all of us trying to find hope in this pandemic.

  10. seriously need some ray of light to get everything back together... this is exhausting...and we're into lockdown number ...who knows now.
