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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Poem: wishful thinking

written for Writer's Digest's
2020 April Poem-a-Day challenge:
Prompt: Write a wish poem

This poem was later shared to:
Poets and Storytellers United's:
Writer's Pantry #26: You Can Make Anything By Writing
on Sunday, June 28, 2020.  

i wish i didn't have this anxiety 
it's confidence-crushing, 
it makes my life a tragedy 

i would be climbing 
but it makes me drown 
and i can't make a sound 
just weep silently 

i suffer from paranoia 
i wish it wasn't such a killer 
of my positive behavior 

i wish i was free
of these scary things.


  1. May a wave of positive thoughts overtake your anxiety, and peace settle all about you!

  2. Hang in there. These are trying times.Take care

  3. A poignant poem. Yes anxiety is a nasty beast I really hope you find peace Take care and a big hug

  4. I join my wishes to yours. Everyone should be free of the things that choke their happiness. May the future bring the soothing things the heart needs.

  5. I'm inclined towards anxiety also. (I think it is just the way that some of us come prewired ~ smiles ~) Writing does help. I find if my mind is engaged in running down the perfect word to pop into a line I have lingered and reflected over, at length - my angst seems to lift. I have also found that music helps tremendously. I have music quietly playing in the background of my life most of the time that I am awake … happy, pleasant music. I'm retired now - but when I worked I listened to it during the commute and on breaks. Occasionally doo wop, on a lazy afternoon - but mostly instrumental light classics or folk or old musical sound tracks. Sounds of nature (birdsong, ocean waves, etc.) are lovely as well. Listening to calming sounds, really does help to calm one's spirits. Good luck to you in finding that go-to place (be it writing or music or even something like photography) that sooths the angst. Keep looking. It is out there.

  6. These are difficult times we are living in. Hold on!

  7. I hope that a better world for you is within reach. I understand your anxiety and ask for a calming peace to visit upon you.

  8. thank you so much everyone! your positive comments made me smile this morning. God bless and may this year's end bring all of us happiness and love. Best regards.

  9. I wish it for you also. I feel each of us will walk this valley at some point.

  10. Wishing you good and positive energy. I think this whole pandemic experience has been overwhelming and we're all there- struggling to cope. Take care.

  11. I find myself making similar wishes. Sometimes its hard for others to understand that people dealing with anxiety fully understand the progress that could be happening if they didn't have it and that the knowledge doesn't always help them.
