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Friday, April 10, 2020

Poem: wonderful/powerful

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a "The __ Who __ Poem"

This was shared to Poets and Storytellers' United's
Writer's Pantry #34: Writing Is Easy
on Sunday, August 23, 2020

the guy who is so loyal
is true to his betrothed
is grateful cause he knows
his lover is so wonderful

the guy who has no ego
who is so kind and gentle 
is always enduring his trials
knows God is so powerful


  1. Loyal, true, kind and gentle – the best kind of man.

  2. Anyone who is loyal and true is welcome to be my friend.

  3. Interesting link of loyalty and gratitude; I agree with Rosemary that the man described sounds wonderful.

  4. That's the one you need loyal kind and gentle

  5. Loyalty and gentleness are wonderful traits, indeed.

  6. a great response to the challenge!
    loyalty, kindness and gentleness are great values. :)

  7. Glad for the presence a kind and good man in my life too. Plus he's funny and a culinary wizard.
