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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Poem: breathe

written for Writer's Digest's
2020 April Poem-a-Day challenge:
Prompt: Write a New World poem.

This was shared to Poets and Storytellers United's
Writer's Pantry #23: Growing Along with Our Words
on Sunday, June 7, 2020.

welcome to the Future
never saw this coming 
never thought it would sting 
like a million locusts 
or those of scorpions 
get ready for the New World 
aftermath of Corona Virus 
will we emerge stronger? 
will we let it discourage us 
those who will be Survivors? 
will it keep us
from going further?
we shall see
all we can do 
is breathe.


  1. And sometimes, breathing is enough--I wonder what it will be like after this pandemic is done--and I wonder if we will value life more? or less?

  2. Those of us who are lucky to escape can breathe, but the words "I can't breathe" will linger long in our minds.

  3. Choosing to breathe (when we can) is always the best choice. These days I wonder if we will take it. And on really bad days, I wonder if we deserve it.

    And I, too, wonder about the outcome of all this. What will the future brew, indeed...

  4. Well the virus certainly took over the world didn't it? How can we prepare for another such disaster?

  5. Oh yes! Those questions are indeed crucial, and that brilliant conclusion so powerful in more than one way.

  6. Breath to breath...sometimes that's the only way I can get through some days.

  7. Great questions and yes all we can do is breathe, and take it one day at a time into the future.

  8. I hope we will emerge stronger and wiser after this!

  9. all we can do is breathe... great close!

  10. We will be free very soon, I believe. You give a tinge of hope here.
