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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Poem: the end

written for Writer's Digest's
2020 April Poem-a-Day challenge:
Prompt: Write a Space poem.

This was later shared on
Poets and Storytellers United's
Writers' Pantry #24: Mr. Frodo, I Do Understand
on Sunday, June 14, 2020.

i've lost control
and all of hope
as i'm going to escape 
off to outer space
far from this illness 
to maintain existence 
but alas! 
i didn't know
that all my fellow astronauts 
on this mission to Mars 
have been in contact 
with the Corona pest 
no wonder i'm losing oxygen 
oh my goodness
is this how i end?


  1. Oh, my... How reassuring....NOT! But definitely does what it intends, so: BRAVO!

  2. Eerie & horrifying. Gave me the shivers despite the early-morning sunshine. :)

  3. Perfect stream of consciousness poem for the time we live in. Off off and away.

  4. It does seem like the end.. but we mustn't think like that!

  5. Some days it does feel like there's no escape.

  6. I guess they were wrong, space is definitely not big enough!

    Also, I can't help but think of movies like Snake On a Plane. Or, Corona in Space.

  7. That's unfortunate. I like the poem, though. :)

  8. Compelling close on a piece that - could never have been written - at any other time, than in these strange, dark days.

  9. The last thing I fancy doing is going up in a spacecraft, it's dangerous enough driving on our roads!

  10. Oh no the ultimate disaster Corona even among the astronauts Nowhere to run

  11. A seemingly disastrous space mission! How awful to be trapped in space with the Corona virus. I would hope that the sterility of the spaceship and the lack of gravity and oxygen would kill it off.

  12. Where can we go! Safe nowhere..
