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Monday, April 6, 2020

Poem: spiderweb

written for Writer's Digest's
2020 April Poem-a-Day challenge:
Prompt: Write a trap poem

This was shared to:
Poets and Storytellers United's
Writers' Pantry #27: We're Halfway There!
on July 5, 2020.

you look at me like a spiderweb 
you want to take me 
and lock me in your trap 

i see through you 
i have proof 
that you want my doom 

you look so kind 
but i'm not blind 
you are a foe inside 

you really are like a spiderweb 
you want to delete me 
from the Facebook app.

you truly are a spiderweb
you want to take me
and starve me to death.


  1. Aha, the app trap. Now there's stuff for a poem!

  2. .... and why I take week long breaks from social media!!!! Cheers.

  3. Best to clear those cobwebs out of one's life with a good cleaning!

  4. Some people are like spiderwebs aren't they? Best we steer clear of them.

  5. Yes, there are traps and trappers on social media – but if we are aware, we can navigate our way around them.

  6. Having a relationship where one of you is being subjected to the other rarely bodes well. We should delight in the others individuality and hopefully know they felt the same way about us.

  7. am smiling that facebook has wormed its way into a poem!

  8. Sometimes traps are set in our path and we never see them. I'm glad you recognized those traps set for you.

  9. Apps...they can certainly trap you.

  10. Good one! I keep my distance from facebook.
