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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Poem: just enough

Written for Writer's Digest'
April 2020 Poem-a-Day Challenge
Prompt: Write a Lucky/Unlucky (any order) Poem

This was shared to 
Poets and Storytellers United's 
Writers' Pantry #30: The First Paulownia Fruit Ripen
on Sunday, July 26, 2020

most of the time 
i would think of my condition 
and how unlucky i am 
to have no hope or solution 
no lover 
no goals met 
just homebound 
getting all upset 
but then i think of my family 
and how i am lucky 
to have them and God 
who care about me 
and that's just enough.


  1. How lucky you are James to hold contentment in your heart. Happy Sunday


  2. So true - can't argue with that... However we are we can count our blessings...
    And from my own experience of life to date (and as one who has been fortunate to travel a lot too) I can say that most of the happiest people in the world I've ever met have had very little... And some of the richest folk (materially at least...) have almost been, without exception the most miserable and messed up people I've ever come across!

  3. Adjusting perspective can brighten a day. :)

  4. This is simply perfect ... cheers.

  5. We still say grace most often, and when it's my turn I frequently include the words "Thank you, Lord, for enough". Thank you for reminding me once more, in these troubled times, the value of enough.

  6. A family and God....well...who's won the lottery then!

  7. If only more people would consider what they already have rather than wishing for more which may not be that good.

  8. :) This is a good write, Humblekind.

  9. I love (and believe this). There is much bad in the world, much to be frustrated about... But is always some good, especially if we look for it.

  10. More than enough....what a blessing!

  11. This is wisdom. My Dad aways taught me: happiness is not a place you arrive at; it's a method of travelling. I'd say you've got the method right!

  12. A lovely expression of contentment!

  13. Hold on to the good things. They make it possible to survive the bad.

  14. and that's enough- magic words to live by.

  15. Yes, I too struggle to break free of everything covid has restrained me with and then I remember how blessed I am.
